Q and A: canning nopales and vitamin C to keep fruit fresh
Canning nopales
Do you have any information on canning nopales? What about dehydrating?
Shirley Sandquist
Elwood, Illinois
Nopales (or prickly pear cactus pads) are best canned as pickled. A simple pickling solution made of 1 cup white vinegar...
I’ve been busy rendering and canning lard
We're so thankful to have received a big box of pork fat to render down. I'll admit I'm doing it the "lazy" way. As it's already ground, all I do is pack it into...
Q and A: canned fried apples, farmhouse floors, and canner
Canned fried apples
I grow lots of apples and also get more than I can use from my neighbor. My favorite dish to make is fried apples. In a skillet I melt a couple Tbsp...
I’m canning nearly every day now
Our beans are in! And so are our peppers. This year I'm making batch after batch of Cowboy Candy, a candied jalapeño. Wow, are they ever good and really not all that hot. Especially...
I found Prairie Magic apples!
I've been looking online and calling around but when I had to go to Virginia (MN), a little voice whispered in my ear "try Vern's Greenhouse," a greenhouse only a few blocks off of...