Food time at Jackie and Will’s homestead

It just dawned on me this morning -- our entire homestead is about food right now! Will is hauling in the last of our round bales of hay for the animals. We are madly...

Q and A: freezer jam and canning spaghetti sauce

Freezer jam Last summer, in Michigan, I made a lot of freezer jam. I have now sold my home in Michigan and am moving 12 hours away to VA BCH. Is there any way that...

You don’t need harvest season for lots of canning

I've been hugely busy lately. But it's a good busy. A great new friend, Pam, from the Twin Cities area, recently gifted me with a whole bunch of slightly dented #10 cans from a...

Q and A: Canning walnuts and citron melon

Canning walnuts Are the instructions for canning walnuts the same as pecans? Dry in the jar and then pressure can at 5 pounds for 10 minutes for quart jars? Should I preheat the jars in...

Our latest snow is helping fix last year’s drought

Although we were really ready for all the snow to be gone and woke up to two more inches and falling snow this morning, we aren't too bummed about it. After last summer's severe...