Q and A: thawed berries and cooking Hope Pale Grey squash

Thawed berries First, I absolutely adore you and have followed you for years. I feel like a distant but loving sister. My freezer failed and some of the berries defrosted then refroze (we think...

Q and A: making hominy, hen kicking out bedding, and processing pickles

Making hominy What kind of lye or lime to you use to make hominy. I tried the soda method and it didn't work for me. I used 2 tablespoon soda to a quart of dried...

We just got two more projects done before the heat hit

After hearing reports of intense heat and humidity coming our way, we quickly finished two projects. The first was flat-siding all of the support beams for the hayloft floor of the new barn-in-progress. It...

Q and A: saving pumpkin seeds, burning garden debris, and runny egg whites

Saving pumpkin seeds I would like to save seeds from Amish Pie Pumpkins we plan to grow this summer. I bought a packet this year (at a big box hardware store) and it has...

Q and A: Chickens in the garden and water blowing out of jars...

Chickens in the garden I planted a fall crop of spinach and lettuce. We have free range chickens who roam about the garden, etc. Should I wash/soak the spinach and lettuce in vinegar before eating....