Q and A: green detergents, making pickles, and pear jelly

Green detergents I am trying to go green and would like to ask for help with effective detergent recipes that can help me accomplish this. Shonah Melton South Africa For detergent to use in a dishwasher, you can...

What’s it like at -35?

We got a recent reminder of what it's like at -35 a couple days ago. When it's that cold, we need to stuff wood in the fire every hour or two; I sleep on...

Q and A: canning beans, transplanting fruit trees, and canning with kids

Canning beans I decided to can up several kinds of beans to save heat in the kitchen during the summer. They all look good but they are not juicy like store bought ones. Did I...

The corn is in!

On top of our fabulous bean harvest this summer, our sweet corn is ripe. This year our garden corn is Espresso, a SU hybrid that we grew last year. Boy, is it ever a...

We’ve hit 50 degrees

And boy, oh boy, does it feel good in the sunshine! I was outside yesterday in my T-shirt gathering eggs and playing with the goats. Nice sunshine, too! Will is busy converting one of our...