Q and A: meat bones, weed killer with soap, worming goats, and re-canning corn

Meat bones and weed killer with soap First. If you take deer bones after cutting deer up, cut up bones and boil you will be surprised how much more meat from the bones that can...

I’m finally sending out seed orders

I usually begin making out seed orders before this, but because I've been so busy, it just hasn't happened. I have to start planting peppers the second week of February so they'll be ready...

Q and A: hens not laying, Hopi Pale Grey seeds, and storing bulk foods

Hens not laying We have 4 Buff Orpingtons that turned 2 years old in May 2013 and 1 that turned 1 year old August 2013. About April the 4 older ones quit laying eggs. The...

Q and A: Gallon storage jars, pressure canning pumpkin, and rocky dirt

Gallon storage jars I finally have a copy of "Recession Proof Your Pantry" and am now looking for a reliable source for sealable gallon-size glass storage jars. Do you have any recommendations? The jars in...

Q and A: peeling eggs and canning tomato sauce

Peeling eggs I wanted to pass on my tip for peeling new eggs. After boiling and cracking them just slip a spoon between the shell and egg, run it around the egg. The peel will...