I hope you all had a safe and happy Christmas

Here in northern Minnesota, we had just gotten over a week of sub-zero high temperatures and high wind. So just having a bit warmer day seemed like a true gift. As our family get-together...

Q and A: Chicken broth and Potato bugs

Chicken broth Can I make broth out of Chicken Skins? I would skim the fat and can the rest. Shirley Owens Milton, Florida Yes, but it won't have as much flavor as broth made from either chicken...

Well, our nice weather is gone

We knew it was coming, a night and day of rain, which is supposed to turn to snow tonight. We busted butt splitting firewood and Will hurried to get as much stacked inside as...

Baby goats are coming

We had an April Fools’ Day snowstorm.  It was a little late, but it still was a joke on us and not nice! And, to top it off, two of our does had FIVE...

Q and A: saving squash seeds and canning on a glass-top range

Saving squash seeds Seeds arrived this week. Thanks so much. I have been growing Hopi from Baker Creek. If these are different I will know. I only plant Hopi here at home and other cucubrits...