Sorry for not blogging

After a lengthy downhill slide, Mom passed away Friday morning, at the nursing home, in her sleep. We had known it was coming as she had been failing quickly, so my sisters and I...

Q and A: Canning beans and canning peanut butter

Canning beans Can I can beans not using any salt? Ann Hazelett Litchfield Park, Arizona Definitely. The salt is only a flavor enhancer; it does nothing to preserve the vegetables or canned meats. -- Jackie Making peanut butter Have you...

Our tomatoes and peppers are getting ripe

With those ripening crops, I've been busy taking out seed to save for our seed business. I always take seed from the earliest and some of the best ones. I also give them a...

We’re still plugging along but the new baby sure helps liven us up

I went to the hospital on Tuesday, to see David's new baby, Melanie. I didn't want to bother Elizabeth on Monday, right after she had a cesarean delivery. I got to cuddle and feed...

Like everyone we’re trying to get ready for Christmas on our homestead

Like most homesteaders we know, we struggle with cash this time of the year. Grain prices have been horrible. Hay, which we buy from a neighbor in big round bales, is expensive and we...