Things are really looking up

Every day, my knee is getting better, and Will is feeling much better too. I've been planting tomato seeds like crazy and have a whole flock of flats, sitting inside plastic bags, waiting to...

Yep, we got more snow

Six inches of it, blowing sideways. You can guess we didn't move much, except to take care of the critters. It does absolutely no good to even try to plow the driveway while it's...

If you think zero is cold, how about -39° F?

Yep, Saturday morning, our dependable weather station thermometer registered -39! We'd been expecting cold temperatures, so we were prepared for it but holy cow, did the log house creak and snap as it got...


We've been hoping for a respite from our darned catalog's mailing list problems and thought it was done; then today we found out somehow the internet fairies absconded with a third of the list!...

I just seeded out some gorgeous Glass Gem popcorn

We've been busy, trying to get crates of corn and beans off the unheated, enclosed back porch and greenhouse, which is heated (expensively). While Will was carrying in some huge Jumbo (and they really...