Fall rains have begun

After several nice, sunny days with temps in the high fifties and even sixty yesterday, we woke up to rain. Yuck. But we had a nice week, last week. We even got to visit...

Our bitter cold is holding tight but the end is in sight

Yeah, we're darned sick of below zero temps, night and day with windchill temperatures of -5 to -60 degrees. (Did you know that your skin can freeze within 5 minutes when it's that cold?)...

Hey, spring’s just around the corner (isn’t it?)

Spring must be getting closer because I'm getting lots of seed catalogs. I've already gotten some of my favorites such as Pinetree Garden Seeds, Totally Tomatoes, and today, my favorite of favorites, Baker Creek...

We’re making good use of a beautiful week

Our weather turned into a glorious Indian summer. Temperatures are in the high sixties and dry. Will made use of it by cutting the new seeding down below the goat pasture. Three years ago,...

Rain, sun, rain

Boy, the weather can't seem to make up its mind lately. We get a big thunderstorm and the next day the sun's out. Then it rains again! But this rainy weather is pretty common...