Spring is hitting us like a ton of bricks
There's so much to do every spring but we've not really had "spring" weather, it's been cold and rainy. Now the temps are warming up and a little sun is out some days, so...
Our new garden is now tilled and planted
On Tuesday Will took the Ford tractor out into our new sand garden (now the official name) and began to till. The very back and lower end were wet due to the inch of...
What do you do when it’s nasty (again!) outside?
You work inside. I think the snow's going away. It's sure sloppy/nasty outdoors and there's water everywhere. We even saw geese today so they're hoping for water to land in soon. The rivers are...
Spring in February?
We've had a very warm week; over 50° some days, with sunshine! The first day, Ashley and I set out lawn chairs in the driveway and sat down to absorb some fabulous vitamin D....
It’s -35 but spring’s just around the corner. Sort of…
One thing about cold weather is that you get caught up on a lot of stuff in the house (not that our house could use some cleaning and straightening up). And in between times,...