We’re making good use of a beautiful week

Our weather turned into a glorious Indian summer. Temperatures are in the high sixties and dry. Will made use of it by cutting the new seeding down below the goat pasture. Three years ago,...

Spring has sprung

After such a long winter, spring has finally arrived. Our temperatures have been between 35-45° F during the day, but going down to freezing or below at night. This is lucky, as it lets...

We escaped the arctic blast for at least one day

My oldest son, Bill, texted me that they were going to celebrate grandson, Mason's fifteenth birthday on last Saturday. We've been having cold and snow and were expecting the roads to be snow-covered and...

I canned on my new stove for the first time

What a trip! The stove heated perfectly even though I had to light it with a lighter not the electronic ignition. (Still don't have a pure sine wave inverter … but soon!) The quarts...

We escaped the frost!

But I'm sure there is more frost to come. We shut up our big hoop house, still full of peppers and pole beans and said prayers. And they worked! When we woke up it...