The bottom fell out of the temperature last night.
When we woke up it was negative 16° F! In Minnesota that's cold for early November. Those beavers were sure right so far! So we run out, do chores then come back and work...
We’ve had such a pretty week
Due to high humidity and cloud cover at night, we've had beautiful hoar frost on the trees, weeds, and fence lines every morning. What a beautiful sight to wake up to, especially when there...
Now I know how to make it rain!
All Will has to do is take the bulldozer out and install three culverts along with cutting ditches on both sides of our mile plus driveway, and — ta da! — it rains two...
We woke up to snow!
Holy mackerel, we heard it might happen but we went to bed thinking "gee, it's surely not going to really snow…" But snow covered the ground early this morning and temps reached 32° F....
Rain, rain, go away
Since we are expecting copious amounts of rain today through Friday, we spent the last few days madly picking various crops. We are still having trouble with blackbirds by the hundreds eating our corn...