Snow, snow, and more snow

We nearly always get an April blizzard so when we passed through much of April with warm temperatures, we figured it missed us this year. Well… kind of. We didn't get a blizzard but...

Summer seems to have arrived

We know summer hasn't really arrived -- there's still a good chance of frost around the corner. So while the apple trees are blooming like mad, I'm continuing to plant crops like late-season pumpkins,...

We met a lot of nice folks at the Earth Fest at Mountain Iron,...

Although the weather threatened (and later proved inhospitable), there was quite a turnout for the 2013 Earth Fest celebrating sustainability at Mountain Iron, Minnesota, this past Saturday. Held in three different buildings, the event...

Even hardcore homesteaders take a day off

So what did Will and I do? We took a drive along the edge of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness on the Echo Trail. We'd talked about doing this for two years now,...

The beavers were right, again.

This fall, I was asked what our beavers' actions told us about the coming winter. I replied that there should be cold temperatures and lots of snow. At first I thought they'd lied; we...