The corn is in!

On top of our fabulous bean harvest this summer, our sweet corn is ripe. This year our garden corn is Espresso, a SU hybrid that we grew last year. Boy, is it ever a...

David is now a movie star

Well, sort of. This summer, our son, David, was in town and was stopped in a parking lot by a couple that he didn't recognize. They told him they were part of a movie...

Oh yeah, winter’s definitely here

Although we have had a great fall with little snowfall until now and relatively decent temperatures for northern Minnesota, winter's definitely here. I'm just recovering from a real nasty bug and poor Will's been...

We’re still getting ready for winter around here

When we unloaded our second ton of pumpkins, I saved a dozen of the very nicest, from which I'll can up and dehydrate for the pantry. I'll also toast some of the seeds for...

Deer season opens with a nasty weather forecast for the weekend, so we got...

I will admit I prayed pretty hard and regularly for better weather as the forecast was for 80% chance of snow/rain/ice on both Saturday and Sunday. Not nice weather for the guys to be...