6 Editor’s Note
7 Editorial:
Welcome to the other side!
43 Ayoob on Firearms:
Spring fatigue in firearms: Myth or menace
56 The gee-whiz page!
64 Ask Jackie:
Canning with nuts, garlic scapes, chicken soup, Squash identification, jars bubbling in canner, etc.
70 The Irreverent Joke Page
74 Letters
75 The Last Word
77-82 BHM anthologies & books
8 Keeping homestead animals healthy
48 A beginner’s guide to pressure canning
55 Make elderberry syrup for flu season
59 How to maintain your chimney
62 Homemade lotion bars
29 Build a split rail fence
Food and recipes
25 Eating tree tips
15 Can we make a Tyrannosaurus rex from a chicken?
Farm and garden
34 Luxurious pumpkins
38 Getting the jump on spring in the garden
52 Solutions for common cherry tree problems
67 Start a community seed swap
71 Grow healthy peach and apricot trees