Look how Will’s raised beds make a difference!

While he was here, my sweetie made us five nice raised beds in our new house garden. Into each one, he dumped at least a wheelbarrow and half of rotted manure from the donkey...

We’ve moved our steers onto the new seeding

Four 800-pound steers eat a lot of grass! A month ago, we moved them into the newly fenced pasture, but they ate the grass down all too quickly. But luckily, the new seeding next...

Q and A: stewing hens and canning at a higher altitude

Stewing hens Just got done putting my 6 hens in the freezer. What is your best recipe for a stewing hen? They were 3 years old and had stopped laying eggs. Also, where is the...

Brr, our temps are reaching sub-zero

We have been spending time making sure our critters are extra comfortable. I spread a fresh bale of hay in the goats' indoor pen so they could cuddle down together in a nest. And...

With all the snow, the deer are having a hard time

When I drove to town today, I saw four deer standing on the road. I stopped back a ways to let them decide what they wanted to do. Finally they turned around and jumped...