I found Prairie Magic apples!

I've been looking online and calling around but when I had to go to Virginia (MN), a little voice whispered in my ear "try Vern's Greenhouse," a greenhouse only a few blocks off of...

Where oh where did the ProMix go?

I've used ProMix potting soil for years now to start and transplant my seeds and seedlings. I was getting a little low on stockpiled soil, so I went to Menards to buy some more....

I canned up the first batch of asparagus yesterday

I'd planned on canning asparagus for a couple of days then got busy, bringing in all the flats of plants off of the back deck. The forecast for the night was a frost warning...

We’re madly trying to get our 2020 Seed Treasures catalog finished

Where do the days go, anyway? I'm thinking we have to give up sleeping or something, between normal homestead chores, canning, and getting ready for the 2020 garden. Already we're starting to get seed...

New chickens on the homestead get a new coop

We had unexpected new chickens. My oldest son, Bill, called to say that his father-in-law had 12 heavy laying hens that he was given in the spring and he didn't want to winter them....