Q and A: planting honeyberries, and beginning homesteader

Planting honeyberries I live in northeastern North Dakota, and am interested in starting several honey berries this coming season, as blue berries are not a option in our more alkaline soil. How do they compare?...

Only in northern Minnesota

We think only here can you have 92° F one day and two days later have to rush around protecting frost sensitive plants from freezing. Yup, that's what we did last night. The weather...

The new base cabinets in the kitchen are finally finished

But before we get into that, please let me assure you folks who ordered seed in January and haven't received them yet that they are being processed. We had a huge number of orders...

Harvest time is here — big time

Boy, are things ever getting ripe. I'm hurrying to get the early tomatoes seeded to save their seeds. So far the early winners this year are: Earlibell, Italian Paste, Morovsky Div, Silvery Fir Tree,...

Still raining but I just made the best salsa

A good friend of mine in Wyoming had gotten some sundried tomatoes from a market, from Turkey. She asked me if I thought the seeds would grow. I didn't know for sure, but she...