Q and A: Canning potatoes with onions, Morning Glory removal, and Soil conditioning

Canning potatoes with onions I was wondering about canning potatoes with onions. I've canned vegetable soup (which includes potatoes and onions) in a pressure canner and it gave me the idea of canning only potatoes...

I’m canning nearly every day now

Our beans are in! And so are our peppers. This year I'm making batch after batch of Cowboy Candy, a candied jalapeño. Wow, are they ever good and really not all that hot. Especially...

Q and A: Canning lime juice and codling moth

Canning lime juice I was given a whole box of limes which I juiced and wanted to can. But our extension office could not find info on how to do it -- like time. Can...

I got the ProMix problem solved

A friend had told me that Menards had a potting mix called Sunshine #4 that she bought, and she really liked it. So, when Will and I were in Virginia (Minnesota), we went to...

Spring’s here and I’m relocating red squirrels

This last week has been sunny and above freezing (except for nights, which have been sub-zero to low single digits). Much of our snow has melted, and I've started live trapping some of our...