Finally! Two days without rain.

And boy have we been busy. Our friends, Heather, Sherri, and Dara came over yesterday and helped with weeding and mulch. Although they only come occasionally, their help is invaluable! We love them so...

Where oh where did the ProMix go?

I've used ProMix potting soil for years now to start and transplant my seeds and seedlings. I was getting a little low on stockpiled soil, so I went to Menards to buy some more....

I’m canning our first harvest of the year

Although we've been eating fresh asparagus a lot lately, our three beds are producing more than we can eat and doing it often! This morning, Will went out and brought in a big basket...

We had a very happy Fourth of July

Fortunately, after several hours of miserable car repair to replace our serpentine belt on the car, Will got our car ready to roll. So, on the Fourth of July, we were able to make...

Q and A: Canning potatoes with onions, Morning Glory removal, and Soil conditioning

Canning potatoes with onions I was wondering about canning potatoes with onions. I've canned vegetable soup (which includes potatoes and onions) in a pressure canner and it gave me the idea of canning only potatoes...