And they say animals can’t think!

Our lab's favorite dish is one of my hanging basket pots. It's usually full of dry dog food. But when it got empty, Will taught Spencer to pick it up and carry it outside...

Q and A: Gardening and farm questions

Breeding chickens  I have been wanting to start raising my own Cornish-rock Cross chickens, but was not sure where to begin, which breed for the hen and rooster? Also you mentioned breeding back; can you...

Q and A: Planting raspberries, corn seeds, and potato soup recipe

Planting raspberries Can black raspberries and red raspberries be planted close and not cross? I want to plant Black berries and black and red raspberries in my north pasture this spring but want to have...

Q and A: age of canned beef, canning leftovers, and hoop house

Age of canned beef About 8 years ago I canned a lot of sliced beef, and meat-based tomato sauce, in my pressure canner. It's still there, should I throw it away now? Margaret Baker Valleford, Washington If it...

Finally the weather is warming up!

But we still have tons of snow on the ground -- several feet! And mud and water running everywhere. Will's been working on the rock wall behind the living room stove every day, knowing...