Oh oh, a freeze warning

Due to the tropical storm moving northward, it sucked a cold high down from Canada unexpectedly, after we had corn, beans, squash, and melons up in the gardens. Notice, I said "gardens" as in...

With spring finally here, we are keeping pretty busy

With Old Yeller up and running, Will made ditches with the tractor and breaking plow then cleaned them up with the dozer. (I won't mention that he threw a track yesterday, and he waded...

It’s called homesteading

While I'm busy watering gardens, picking and canning beans, Will is out "making hay while the sun shines." And boy-oh-boy have I been canning beans! Our Providers have sure outdone themselves providing food for...

You never saw so many tomatoes in your life!

Even we are amazed and, I'll admit, somewhat daunted. (In our garden we planted 108 tomato plants.) A few days ago, frost was predicted and we went into hyperdrive. And, because of our little...

We’ve been busy little bunnies

While Will's geared up haying, Alisha and I have been filling the pantry. The blueberries are ripe and last week Alisha and our friend Kate went out in 95 degree heat and picked buckets...