The pumpkin and squash harvest is finished

Saturday was sunny and nice, above normal temps right into the high seventies. Wow, was it a perfect Indian summer day! Robert, a young man Will had met while getting a piece of sheet...

Q and A: Chickens in the garden and water blowing out of jars...

Chickens in the garden I planted a fall crop of spinach and lettuce. We have free range chickens who roam about the garden, etc. Should I wash/soak the spinach and lettuce in vinegar before eating....

Poor David — He came for a Sunday visit and got roped into helping...

It was sunny on Sunday and warm to boot. So when David and Ashley showed up for a visit, Will asked him to help him band the bull calves. (It sure is easier when...

Q and A: when to harvest cabbage and conserving water

When to harvest cabbage I'm growing cabbage this year for the first time. It's growing great, but I didn't think it was ready to be picked yet. The green heads are pretty big; the red...

Spring, glorious Spring

Although our weather's sunny and bright with the birds singing, it's a bit cool this morning — down to the mid-forties. But we're sure okay with that. Will decided it was time he started...