The goat barn is painted (before winter!) and beauty is expecting

I finally finished painting the goat barn/chicken coop. And boy does it look nice! You've got to remember what it used to look like, with donkey-eaten holes in the old OSB and raggedy blue...

Q&A: Self-reliance seminar, Storing wheat berries, and Shelf life of frozen meat

Self-reliance Seminar in North Dakota This is not a question, but perhaps a resource for you. You were just asked about putting on a self-reliance seminar at your place. The Mark Dagley family of central...

Q and A: worms eating squash and raising meat and laying poultry together

Worms eating squash I have some really big volunteer squash of some sort. Still waiting to see. The problem I am having is that little worms are eating into the squash while they lay on...

Q and A: canning Sloppy Joe mix and canning sweet potatoes

Canning Sloppy Joe mix I recently tried to pressure can some Sloppy Joe mix. For our family it is normally beef, chopped onions mixed with ketchup, brown sugar, and a shot of Worcestershire sauce. All...

Q and A: meat bones, weed killer with soap, worming goats, and re-canning corn

Meat bones and weed killer with soap First. If you take deer bones after cutting deer up, cut up bones and boil you will be surprised how much more meat from the bones that can...