We have plenty of irons in the fire

Most people have a spring project or two going right now. We have a dozen! Eeeek! Let's see, our garden is being planted. I have just planted 50 tomato plants, in their Wall'o Waters,...

Q and A: Canning chicken stock and canning celery

Canning chicken stock I was canning some chicken stock last night. After the recommended processing time in the pressure canner, I let the steam go down to normal and started removing the jars, pints. Two...

Q and A: canning chicken and canning broth with fish

Canning chicken We have plenty of young chicks beginning to lay and it is time to retire some of our older hens. I know they must be cooked for quite a while so they become...

Q and A: pickling radishes, strawberry rhubarb jam, and bacon

Pickling radishes Believe it or not, I couldn't find in your canning book a recipe for pickling radishes. Do you have any suggestions?   Jon Gallo All I do when I can radishes is to slice or...

The cold weather worked in our favor

While we may moan about the cold winter weather here in northern Minnesota, it did help us. Monday and Tuesday we were busy delivering boxes of frozen beef to our customers from Superior, Wisconsin...