The canning has just begun

We've been so busy canning this past week! Alisha and I have canned tons of blueberries, blueberry jam, chokecherry jelly, bronco cherry jelly, and more Provider beans. I've had to totally rearrange some of...

Poor David — He came for a Sunday visit and got roped into helping...

It was sunny on Sunday and warm to boot. So when David and Ashley showed up for a visit, Will asked him to help him band the bull calves. (It sure is easier when...

Finally, our rains have begun

After two months of drought, we are getting periodic rains. Whew, it sure was dry! In the North garden (where we can't water) the ground was cracked like Death Valley. Yep, crops out there...

Today it’s sloppy outside so we’re working inside

Temperatures have been in the 40s yesterday and today, so that foot of new, heavy, wet snow is nearly gone. It left puddles like lakes and a river running down the hill toward the...

Things are back to normal after the holidays

Despite the clinging cold spell we've been up against for the last two weeks, the homestead is rolling along fairly smoothly. On the "warmer" days when it's barely above zero, Will starts the diesel...