Only in northern Minnesota

We think only here can you have 92° F one day and two days later have to rush around protecting frost sensitive plants from freezing. Yup, that's what we did last night. The weather...

Winter is here!

It's been threatening to arrive so we've been super busy since I got back from my mini-vacation to Yellowstone National Park. There were still potatoes to dig, more dry beans to pull, all the...

Nice weather equals busy us

We've finally got nice spring weather with temperatures in the sixties and even seventies. So, guess who's working until dark every night? We're behind as spring came late for us. We even had a...

Hello fall!

We've been blessed with a few days of no rain. What a miracle! And boy, have we been busy. Will's hauling big round bales from various fields home every day to row up in...

Harvest continues as well as more work on David’s cabin

Will and I are continuing to rush around every day, pulling in ripe vegetables, taking the seeds from some crops like peppers, tomatoes, and melons and shelling dry beans in preparation for winter. We've...