The bottom fell out of the temperature last night.

When we woke up it was negative 16° F! In Minnesota that's cold for early November. Those beavers were sure right so far! So we run out, do chores then come back and work...

We love off-season canning!

Most folks think of canning as only something you do in the fall when harvest is in. Sure, I do a lot more canning then, as I'm bringing in tons (literally) of ripe tomatoes,...

I’m back in the saddle

I'm sure all of you are wondering what the heck was going on with me. After all, I missed a few blogs. Well, my "health issue" was a bleeding ulcer. No, I'm not stressed,...

Well, Minnesota is due to go into lockdown Friday morning

We knew it was coming since Michigan and Wisconsin ended up doing that recently as the Covid-19 virus increased in strength. So we sold packages of seeds to a local fellow who wanted to...

We’ve had such a pretty week

Due to high humidity and cloud cover at night, we've had beautiful hoar frost on the trees, weeds, and fence lines every morning. What a beautiful sight to wake up to, especially when there...