Holy cow, spring’s sure busy

I've been planting our melons, squash, and pumpkins inside. We do this as we have such a short growing season that by planting four or five weeks ahead of our frost-free spring date, we...

You know the old saying, roll with the punches?

That's what I've had to do. I planned to start planting my peppers today but yesterday didn't go so well with rehab. I came home in intense pain and could barely walk. Now, I...

I’m growing webbed feet!

And we thought we'd had our fill of rain. Ha ha. I'm glad we planted like crazy before this last rain. In a little more than 24 hours, we got seven inches of pouring...

It’s still snowing

Yep, winter is definitely here. We've been experiencing sub-zero temperatures at night with daytime highs in the teens and low twenties. We are glad in a way because soon Will can go over to...

Time to can some meat!

I've been canning up a storm trying to gain some freezer space. Since Will brought home about 200 pounds of hamburger from a steer we had butchered, I have extra motivation for canning more...