The new front porch is now on

After slowly bringing in stacks of two inch home-sawn boards from a snow-covered pile in the front yard and warming them up, Will cut them to length and stained them. So for a week...

Q and A: fruit trees and watermelon dying and red cabbage for Amish coleslaw

Fruit trees and watermelon dying We planted fruit trees this spring. We have had a very dry summer, nevertheless we have watered the trees three times a week. Now the leaves of all the fruit...

Q and A: spaghetti squash and canning lamb/beef bones

Spaghetti squash This is my first year of growing spaghetti squash, and I baked my first one today. The inside didn't come out stringy like spaghetti. It looks more like regular winter squash with...

Q and A: canning sweet potatoes, dehydrating hamburger meat, and saving tomato seeds

Canning sweet potatoes I have question concerning sweet potatoes. Last year I canned about 2 bushels part in water and part in a light syrup, for the first time I added a tsp of of...

Q and A: Pueblo chili pepper and pressure canner gauges

Pueblo chili pepper I'm not willing to roast the Pueblo chilies in my garden because it is too much work for too little reward (I'll buy a bushel already roasted). But I want to do...