Q and A: cooling with no fridge, growing winter squash, and measuring flavored oil

Cooling with no fridge Yesterday I arrived at our hunting trailer to prepare for a family canning bee only to discover that the fridge is dead. We do have one six-pack sized fridge that is...

Q and A: age of canned beef, canning leftovers, and hoop house

Age of canned beef About 8 years ago I canned a lot of sliced beef, and meat-based tomato sauce, in my pressure canner. It's still there, should I throw it away now? Margaret Baker Valleford, Washington If it...

Winter came…in October

Thinking back to Laura Ingalls Wilder's book, The Long Winter, we looked outside to five inches of new snow and nighttime temperatures in the low teens. And it's not Halloween yet. Yuck! We still...

Q and A: goat treats, Hopi Pale Grey, canning enchilada sauce, and storing powdered...

Goat treats Can goats eat fresh pumpkin seeds? Also I made some fig jam I don't like and it has figs, pectin and sugar in it. They would love to lick it. They always beg...

Planting, planting, planting … between the rains We've been getting very little sunshine between the rains. When it's nice, we've been planting like crazy. So far we've got in tons of different corns in various...