Q and A: selling meat, stacking canned foods, canning cheese, and storing dehydrated foods

Selling meat Just wondering how you are selling meat to the public without getting interference from the gummint? Dick Rinehart Walton, Kentucky Here in Minnesota it's legal to sell a quarter, half, or whole animal headed for slaughter....

It actually thawed today!

Okay, so that was after freezing rain. But, hey, rain is better than the white stuff after all winter, (There are rumors of 40 degrees later on this week!) I got a kick out of...

Q and A: Canning pesto, Monster spaghetti squash, and Hopi Pale Grey squash

Canning pesto  I'd like to can pesto but I've only read admonitions not to can it. I know you've said that you can can it, but have you done so yourself?  It seems that as long...

Q and A: Christmas pickle recipe and Food mill question

Christmas pickle recipe Some one wrote to you looking for a Christmas pickle recipe using maraschino cherries. I just did two batches and they look delicious. The recipe was originally used cucumbers left at the...

Q and A: Canning butter, Tomatoes not setting fruit, and Water-bathed chicken stock

Canning butter My garden has started to produce and I have been in a canning frenzy the last couple of weeks. As long as I am doing all this canning I thought I would try...