Sometimes it’s time to quit

Well, not quit, quit, but hang 'er up for awhile to regroup.  Let me explain.  Yesterday afternoon was a gorgeous fall day.  The sun was out, making the colors of the autumn trees...

Q and A: planting early trees and saving tomato seeds

Planting early trees I was excited to get the e-mail that my new Apple Trees will be shipping this week until I realized that there is no way all of our snow will be gone...

The sun is drying things out so we can get to work

After lots of rain, which turned our central and north gardens to clay mush, the sun has been out daily and things are starting to dry. It's a good thing too, as our central...

Spencer is learning to bring in firewood

Our new black lab pup, Spencer, is the smartest dog I've ever raised.  He learned to sit at six weeks of age, and was potty trained shortly thereafter.  In the winter!  Of course all...