Just when things are going great …

Will has been using all his spare time to push out encroaching brush in one of the neighbor's hayfields that we rent. Some of the previous folks who cut hay on the field slowly...

We took time to party

On Saturday, we drove down to my son, Bill's, for granddaughter Ava's fifth birthday party. The weather was nice and we had a great time visiting with all the family and Bill's friend, Andy...

You never saw so many tomatoes in your life!

Even we are amazed and, I'll admit, somewhat daunted. (In our garden we planted 108 tomato plants.) A few days ago, frost was predicted and we went into hyperdrive. And, because of our little...

Are any of you suffering from lack of sun?

We were until I came upon some of my photos taken in June! My gosh, the colors just knock us out after a winter of drab and white. Now I really can't wait till...

We’ve had a real wet spell

After so many nice sunny fall days, suddenly the rains are upon us. I finally got the last of the carrots canned up and, boy, do they look great in the jars. Yesterday I...