Thank God for friends!

Our friends Mike and Dara again came over to work all day stamping seed envelopes, packaging seeds and other seed business related work. Over the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, we ended up with...

We attended the Orr Homesteading and Sustainable Living Expo

After a busy weekend speaking and hosting the Seed Treasures booth at the Expo in Orr, Minnesota, we dove right into getting ready for our homesteading seminar here at the home place. Whew! It...

Our mama wild turkey is back

On Saturday, Will came tearing into the house and I was afraid some catastrophe had happened. But when he told me "The wild turkey is back!" I about jumped up and down in excitement....

Will’s finally here and we’re getting lots done

Will finally got here Saturday after several plane problems. I thought he'd "take a day off," but he was rarin' to get started on the addition. So he started off by wiring the whole...

Just before major canning starts, I’m putting up some hams

Our garden is jumping now and I'll soon be canning big time, starting with carrots, mixed vegetables, and Swiss chard. But our local market had half hams on sale for .89 a pound, so...