This time of the year, it’s “winter’s coming mode”

We're rushing more lately, knowing that our wonderful fall weather may come to a screeching halt sometime way too soon. Although the forecast is for warmer weather all this week, we're feeling the pinch....

Winter’s just around the corner

We had ice on the animals' watering tanks this morning. Brrrrr. Will's been trimming dead trees that hang over the driveway and will cause trouble this winter when we plow snow. Luckily, a lot of...

Rain, rain, go away

While it looked like a hot, dry summer weeks ago, when temps were in the high 80s, the last two weeks have brought rain. Lately, it's been every day. Boy, is it hard to...

It’s amazing what you can get done with nice weather here

While I'm busy transplanting over-grown tomato seedlings into very tall Styrofoam cups, Will is out at the end of the Wolf Road, cutting up the ash logs for firewood and hauling them home to...

The sun came out and it was 37 degrees yesterday

It's amazing how much gets done when the sun is out! I really think the sun increases your energy in the winter. Besides, when it's above 30 outside chores are so much more pleasant....