I’m still planting seeds

You'd think, after planting seeds since last month, I'd eventually get done. Right? Not so! I've been planting squash, pumpkin, muskmelon, watermelon, and today my brassicas, the cabbage family. A friend works at our...

Will’s back logging again

Yep, he had a stent put in a heart artery a short while ago. And he's due for another on Monday. But as per doctor's orders, he's resumed all his activities he prior was...

I’m finally done planting inside

With the planting of the Glass Gem popcorn, which is a 110-day crop for us, indoors to get a good start on our all-to-short growing season, I'm finished planting seeds inside! What a relief....

We’re working on cultivating and mulching our gardens

As our weather continues hot and mostly dry (despite a few rains we've been hugely thankful for) we are working daily at cultivating, now in the huge North and Wolf gardens, then mulching afterward....

Our first peppers are doing really well

After less than a week, the first hot peppers are popping up. First you see their "backs," the curved part of the stem that comes up out of the soil. Then follows the first...