Yep, it’s still raining

Boy oh boy do I wish this would stop for a while. We really want to get in the gardens to till, spread manure, and get ready to start planting — at least our...

Holy cow, our bad luck has returned

Our friend, Dara, says ghosts have taken up residence at our place, creating all sorts of mischief. I think it's just another run of bad luck for the Atkinsons. Yesterday, Will was busy hauling...

We are getting badly needed rain

Just in time, Will got our square bales of hay in the barn, with the help of friends, Mike and Jason, who came for a visit. We have a teenage girl, Charis, daughter of...

With warm weather, we’re kicking into high gear

I've been transplanting peppers and tomatoes for weeks now and the greenhouse is starting to fill up with Styrofoam cups of plants. And boy-oh-boy do they ever love that! They're growing like weeds, nice...

Why are there only so many daylight hours?

Now it's spring for sure and things are popping around here. Our daffodils are in full bloom after sitting under snowbanks for months and boy do they look beautiful! Our friend, Heather, came late...