I’m filling up the hoop house we made at the seminar

At our recent homestead seminar we built a hoop house so that everyone could see how cheap and easy it is to put one together. And as most folks had seen the results of...

Everyone’s enjoying the sun

I noticed our "wild" roosters (the ones who refuse to live in the chicken coop) sitting out in the sun in front of the storage barn on hay piled there. They were taking full...

We now own the forty acres where the big pines live

On Tuesday morning, we became the proud owners of the Big Pine Forty. Or in other words, we signed to become deeper in debt. But like all other past debts, we will suck it...

Will proposed!

Wow! I was amazed when my Marine Corps veteran got down on his knees and asked me to marry him! We've had a very neat partnership for the last two years that is unique,...

Layout of new garden and Canning questions

Layout of new garden  My question concerns the layout of a new vegetable garden. There is a large, relatively flat area with full sun in which we want to start preparing wide beds for next...