Q and A: Rabbit droppings for fertilizer and Monsanto seeds

Rabbit droppings for fertilizer My hubby and I are truck drivers that hopefully will soon be off the road...I want chickens and possibly rabbits. Can rabbit droppings be used as fertilizer for a garden? Judith Avery New...

Q and A: source for nut trees and harvesting squash and watermelons

Source for nut trees Could you help with a source for nut trees that would grow in the northern Midwest? I live in Illinois on the Wisconsin border and would like to get some nut...

Q and A: sealing cedar for raised beds and squash not germinating

Sealing cedar for raised beds We just got some cedar raised garden boxes. Do we need to seal them from moisture? We would like to seal them and also give them a little color with...

Q and A: saving hybrid corn seed, dehydrating previously frozen berries, and moving homesteads

Saving hybrid corn seed Can I successfully save seed from my "Incredible" sweet corn? Will it grow true?   Dawn Norcross Orion, Illinois You can save the seed but because it's a hybrid the resultant seed will not...

Readers’ Questions: Cucumbers

Hi Jackie- My question: We had a low water period this summer, & I took to watering the garden (usually watered manually via rain barrels) with “horse spit”- my euphemism for old horse water that...