The sun is slowly melting our snowbanks

It's amazing how much better you feel when the sun is shining brightly, and the eaves are dripping steadily! Even more, my 3-year-old amaryllis from Walmart is blooming yet again — and I give...

Our first flowers are blooming

We were quite surprised to see some beautiful white crocus blooming at the base of our lilac bush, on the edge of the front yard. I'm not sure where they came from, as I...

We’ve had a tough week

It started out great. My adopted daughter from India, Monique, and her family came to Minnesota and we all met at son, Bill's on Sunday for a family get-together. For a change, it wasn't...

Isn’t life interesting?

We were doing just fine on Tuesday. There was a heat wave with sunshine and temperatures in the high thirties. I drove into town for feed and to mail a bag of seed orders...

Q and A: good seeds and city sewers

Good seeds I do not have a question, just wanted to tell everyone how wonderful your seeds are! I bought many kinds from you last year. The "Dragon's Tongue" bush beans were fantastic — so...