Just a short blog to let you all know I’m still up and kicking

I had my total knee replacement on Jan. 9th and came home the following day. Unfortunately, that night, I had a terrific bout of excruciating pain and had to go by ambulance to the...

Well, the knee surgery went well

But boy did it knock me flat! I mean I was in bed all day yesterday. Me! Yep. But today I was able to safely do away with the walker and gently hobble about....

My first flowers are blooming

Well, okay, they are the Amaryllis I bought before Christmas. But as much as we enjoy and need bright colors this time of the year, they were well worth the price. So far, I've...

We’re back on track

Finally, after a long time of having things that were "unworking," Will has the water system fixed very nicely as well as the oven. Finally! Thanks to our wonderful readers, he checked the ignitor...

Q and A: canning casseroles, Hopi Pale Gray seeds, and treated lumber for raised...

Canning casseroles Can I pressure can a casserole into pint jars for individual servings? I've searched BHM archives, as well as the Internet, and there is precious little regarding casseroles. Any advice or sources would...