By being neighborly, we get help with our storage building

For three years now, my 18 year old son, David, has been helping our 80+ year old neighbor, Jerry Yourczek, make hay. He's learned to drive, maintain, and fix large tractors and a variety...

Q&A: Dehydrating pork and Canned potatoes turning brown

Dehydrating pork We just bought a food dehydrator and I would like know if you can make ham jerky or do pork in general? The book that came with it does not mention pork. If...

We finally got a Baltimore Oriole

After weeks of waiting, we were finally rewarded by seeing a Baltimore Oriole in a birch tree off of our deck. He tried to drink from our hummingbird feeder with no results. He flew...

Q and A: Plucking chickens and Canning potatoes

Plucking chickens I haven't raised chickens for over 20 years but my grown kids convinced me to do it again so they could learn. We just finished butchering our first batch of 16 meat chickens....

Our calves did so well last year that we’ve bought two more

We raised four steer calves last summer/fall, and they are now very BIG guys! Will just measured them with a weight tape (it's a tape measure that has cattle weights, along with inches marked...