With unseasonable warm weather, we’re getting a lot done.

Yep, we sure know winter's knocking at our doors so, after a period of cold, we are happy with this last week of nicely warm weather — even hitting into the mid 60's. Will...

What a week!

We've been busy harvesting tomatoes and Will has been also busy trying to get the last fields of hay baled up, which he was unable to get to sooner, due to all the rain...

We’re experiencing a near-blizzard

Yesterday the snow and wind started in force. We'd learned of the storm forecast the day before, so we set out extra big round bales for the cows and horses and Will hauled up...

You ever have “one of those weeks?”

We just went through a doozy. It started last week when David went into Walmart for a tire appointment. He'd ordered two front tires for his car as his were worn out. He waited...

I’m five flats into planting squash seeds

Despite being busy with the typical it's-really-spring outside tasks like cleaning out flower beds, getting the six gardens ready to till and manure, mowing the lawn for the first time and getting Ava's pony...