Finally, spring is here!

After the second longest winter in northern Minnesota history, spring is finally here. Our temperature today is a sunny 50 and the snow and ice are going away fast. (Usually, we're in the garden...

If the drought wasn’t enough, now we have grasshoppers

I've been noticing way more grasshoppers around this year than normal. And now they're getting bigger, you really notice them as every step you take, you send up a big cloud before you. I...

Merry Christmas to you and yours

I finally got our Christmas tree decorated last night. Just in time! We think it looks pretty and sure perks us up. We've been hugely busy lately. I didn't even get one Christmas card...

Despite the rain, we’re still getting lots done

Okay, you've seen our main garden by the house, all mulched and pretty. I think it's only fair to show you the new north garden, which is a mixture of pure white clay and...

Whew, even we are getting pretty tired of sub-zero temperatures

For the last two weeks, we've been confronted by a period of really cold weather. For instance, on Friday, our high was -18! And the low? -40 F and that's temperature, not windchill. So everything...