Rain, rain, and more rain

We've been dashing around in between raindrops trying to get fall stuff accomplished. No fun when it's in the forties and raining continually. (Will says "welcome to Washington" as it's what he hated when...

Our first seeds are coming up

We're feeling springy up here in northern Minnesota! Our first pepper and petunia seeds are popping up. Boy, do they like the rock wall behind the little greenhouse. The woodstove is on one side...

We just dodged a terrific storm

It's been very hot and muggy and I told Will we were primed for a bad storm. So when the weather radio called for thunderstorms Monday night we weren't surprised. In fact, we were...

-30! Brrrr! Time for work inside

We're under an Arctic blast with HIGHS in the below zero readings and lows … well, we really don't want to go there. So we do chores in steps, warming up between, then do...

The cold weather worked in our favor

While we may moan about the cold winter weather here in northern Minnesota, it did help us. Monday and Tuesday we were busy delivering boxes of frozen beef to our customers from Superior, Wisconsin...