What’s it like at -35?

We got a recent reminder of what it's like at -35 a couple days ago. When it's that cold, we need to stuff wood in the fire every hour or two; I sleep on...

There’s beauty outside even when the high is -18 degrees

Sure it's cold, but the sun's out and it looks beautiful today. We had 40 mph winds with snow yesterday and there's lots of drifts. I noticed how pretty they were when I drove...

We’re experiencing a near-blizzard

Yesterday the snow and wind started in force. We'd learned of the storm forecast the day before, so we set out extra big round bales for the cows and horses and Will hauled up...

The sun’s out and the birds are singing

February is half over! Groundhog or not, we're thinking spring around here. Today it was nearly 40 degrees above with the sun out. What a nice day. So Will decided he'd set out a...

Winter brings new challenges to the homestead

Although a foot of snow is beautiful here in the woods, the cold along with it brings new challenges. Our nighttime temperatures have been zero or below with the daytime temps only in the...