Our sunshine continues

We are amazed at the sunshine we've been having lately after such a cloudy and cold, snowy November. It feels so uplifting to just walk around outside doing odds and ends chores. Will has...

And we thought we were busy before!

Over the holiday weekend, Ashley's dad came up and so did Jacob, a friend of David's. We had a long weekend of building on David's new cabin. Luckily, the weather cooperated for the most...

Who said northern Minnesota was cold?

We've been having unreal temperatures lately; from 88 to 95 degrees with high humidity. Puff, puff, sweat dripping, pant, pant. It's hard to get things done! I went out yesterday and thinned a row...

Snow, snow, snow

Well, at least the perennial garden plants will have plenty of snow cover this winter. We just got another five inches today. I can't lie and say I wish winter would stay for months...

We got a bit of warmer weather

And Will got nearly all the big sheets of metal barn roofing on. We finished all but the very last big sheet last night. Luckily his cordless driver has a light! Today it's in...