It has warmed up!

There's so much fall work to do that Will is feeling like nothing is getting done on the barn. The sheet metal is all here but the weather first was terribly rainy and windy,...

What was I thinking?

This spring, I not only planted two double rows of Provider green beans in the main garden but also three single rows in the Central garden. So I've been picking and canning beans every...


Well, it finally happened -- Thursday night it froze. David came over in the afternoon after his college course was finished and helped Will cover what we could, hoping to save at least a...

Q and A: salve for goats, bush scallop squash, and freezing weather

Salve for goats I am making this salve. Is there anything in it that would hurt my goats? 1/2 cup coconut oil 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil 1/4 cup dried comfrey 1/4 cup dried calendula 2 oz beeswax...

Did I mention it’s raining?

Yep, it's still raining. Boy, is this getting old! It did kind of quit on Sunday so I went out and dug the last of our potatoes. I had to dry them on the...