A very merry Christmas to all of our Backwoods Home family

David, Jackie, Will, and Spencer

Of course it’s winter when your drier quits drying

Well, I shouldn't really complain at all. After all, it is a well-used dryer that my oldest son, Bill and his wife had used for years before getting a new one when they moved...

At 25° below, you find things to do inside

For two nights now, we've had -25, with daytime temperatures fighting hard to make zero. So as you might imagine, we quickly do chores, bring in firewood, and don't do much else outside! I decided...

Will revised the wood-fired stock tank heater

Although Will's wood-fired stock tank heater worked pretty well, he knew it could do better. Roughly patterned after the "rocket stove," the new one does burn hotter and keeps going even longer. The modifications...

Another mobile home frame?

Our new Hud-Son portable bandsaw mill (that we got this past spring) is a wonderful addition to our homestead. It's already sawed tons of beams, floor joists, and dimension lumber quickly and easily. Plus...