I just got back from having a great visit

I haven't seen my step-daughters, Randie and Tricia, for several years, or my granddaughter and her kids either. So when I learned Randie was flying in from Boston to visit her daughter and grandkids...

We’re enjoying nicer weather now

And we're getting a lot done, too. We just finished mulching, staking, and caging all 107 tomato plants and are working on weeding and mulching our main garden. Will is hard at work mulching...

We had a very nice “second” Christmas

Even though we had a good foot of snow, Bill and his family, Javid, David, and Ashley made it to the homestead for our second family Christmas get together as Bill and his family...

Our hens are starting to lay

I just went out to gather eggs as my girls are really kicking production into high gear. I have to laugh — I've got one Americauna hen who insists on flying over the coop...

With Christmas approaching, we’re dashing around madly

Of course part of the family is coming to help us celebrate Christmas so I'm pulling out a ham and figuring out what goodies to make between now and then. (Of course there is...