Q and A: emergency escape vehicle, canning hamburger, cold hardy apricot tree

Emergency planning escape vehicle Great ideas in Issue #157, January/February 2016 Emergency planning beyond the bug-out bag. Got me wondering what would make the best "escape" vehicle. I am thinking a diesel. Gasoline would...

It’s been kind of dry so Will built some easy sprinklers

We've been using the tripod sprinklers for most of our watering around here for several years. Unfortunately, they're not so well built and they only last about 3 years or less. Plastic photo-degrades, light...

Thanksgiving, then making jerky from David’s deer

We had a great "vacation." David had Thursday, Friday, and the weekend off from school. Of course, Thursday, being Thanksgiving, I cooked, cooked, and baked. That's MY vacation; doing all that baking and cooking,...

Q and A: Seed potatoes and garlic powder

Seed potatoes Do you know of any resources selling True Potato Seeds (TPS)? Thanks! Anonymous Check out Tom Wagner's website, newworldcrops.com, his business is New World Seeds & Tubers. You can also find True Potato Seed through members...

We’re still hurting, but getting back to doing

Will and I are still much feeling the effects of our fall off the roof, but we're keeping on plugging along. Today, I'm washing clothes. As it's raining, I'm cheating and using our propane...